
Emerging Cybersecurity Trends in 2022 Released

It is a year-end tradition to make predictions about the upcoming year. Predictions based on insights from 2021 can help organizations prepare for 2022, and preparation is essential for success. Thursday, December 9, 2021 By: Barry Hensley – Secureworks Chief Threat Intelligence Officer

As cybersecurity professionals, we need to be diligent about doing everything we can to increase our chances of success. Any failure on our part could put the organizations we serve at risk. That’s why I strongly encourage you to download Emerging Cybersecurity Trends in 2022, an informative assessment of the global threat landscape by Secureworks® top subject-matter experts.

Unlike prognostication that provides mere thought-provoking forecasts or faux prophecies, our report will materially aid you in preparing for the year to come. After all, forewarned is forearmed. You’ll be better able to protect yourself against coming threats if you have a reasonably sound sense of what those threats will be. The nature of those threats determines which technologies you should deploy, which skills you need to hone, how you can best allocate your limited staff, and what kind of assistance you need from your security partners.

The following are some topics covered in this valuable report:

  • Security gaps most likely to attract opportunistic attackers
  • The shifting inclination of attackers to seek success by speed rather than stealth
  • Why cybersecurity teams must be cautious about focusing solely on ransomware as the primary potential threat for a large single-loss event
  • How intensifying regulatory pressures (on targets) and law enforcement attention (on attackers) are affecting the “philosophy” of criminal tactics
  • How ransomware groups can profit without encrypting data
  • Cloud-based attacks and the illusion of “assumed security”
  • The state of government-sponsored threat activity

I also encourage you to forward the report link to your colleagues and others who might find it useful. Cybersecurity is truly a community endeavor. At Secureworks, we don’t limit our focus to just protecting our customers. We believe that by working together to out-innovate our shared adversaries, we can help secure human progress itself.

Emerging Cybersecurity Trends in 2022

originally published on

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