Business Imperatives

Choosing the Right Cybersecurity Partner: Why Customer Experience Matters

The cybersecurity industry is full of acronyms and buzzwords. It can be daunting, confusing, and – quite frankly – frustrating for prospects and customers to decipher what it all means. It seems like every security vendor has artificial intelligence and machine learning baked into the core of their product, all swiftly backed up with Security Orchestration & Automated Response (SOAR) capabilities, with the promise that at a click of a button, all your security concerns simply vanish into the ether. When it seems like everyone does the same thing, what makes a cybersecurity partner stand out? Read on to learn how Secureworks designs and enhances an experience for our customers to drive success.

So, when you’re venturing down the road of selecting a cybersecurity partner, what’s one way you can differentiate them from each other?

During the selection process, everyone’s fear is whether they are making the right decision going with a particular vendor. Can I trust that they’ll deliver on their word? Does it really do what it says it will? How does the support structure hold up in a time of need?

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Any organization that is serious about addressing these concerns will have invested in a Customer Experience team. If the team exists, and is worth its salt, they will be able to tell you, with pinpoint accuracy, the thoughts, feelings, and expectations you have of them. Better yet, they will be able to tell you how these change over time, too. After all, without a clear understanding of the expectations a customer has of you, how can you possibly design a delightful experience?

How does Secureworks take your experience into consideration, and ultimately make sure you are thrilled?

We use journey mapping as a foundation to shape all of our process, people, and technology decisions – but what does that mean for you?

We know that you spent 6 months in the Sales cycle, and throughout this phase, you spent a considerable amount of time clearly articulating your business needs. It would be frustrating if you had to repeat that all over again when you meet our onboarding engineers. So, from a technology perspective, we build out artifacts unique to you. These artifacts contain all sorts of information, from your solution design to how your business is split between different geo-locations, each with a unique way of operating. Then, from a process perspective, we have a detailed handover between the Sales and the Onboarding organization. We do this because it’s imperative we keep this contextual information front and center to meet your expectation of us – knowing you, your environment, your success criteria, your goals, and your team.

In graphic terms and at a high level, your journey with Secureworks looks something like this:

Two things to note about the end-to-end experience that this graphic depicts:

  1. Secureworks constantly pursues an objective understanding of your subjective experience with us. Theoretically, you could achieve 100% of your KPIs and still be unhappy with us because you’d subjectively perceive that we somehow let you down or made your life more difficult than it had to be. That’s why my team’s mission is to ensure that your subjective experience with us is positive. That’s also why you see words like “feel,” “confident,” and “stress” in the graphic above.

    Keep in mind this does not negate the importance of KPIs, such as reducing your risk exposure window or reducing those pesky false positives. But at the end of the day, Secureworks must protect your organization — and if we can do that while you have a smile on your face – all the better.

  2. Your Secureworks experience is a continuum, not a silo. Specific business functions at Secureworks can capture technical KPIs from any of the six individual stages to guide their performance. Did Marketing create content that helped get us on your short list of proposal presentations? Did your implementation hit or miss our benchmarks for an organization of your size and complexity? How quickly are we responding to and closing your tech support tickets?
  3. But your subjective experience with Secureworks is not compartmentalized. It’s holistic. If one person from our company interacts with you in a way that is insufficiently attentive or transparent at any point along your journey, it can adversely affect your overall perception of our company as a key partner. That’s why my team views your experience with us across the entire engagement lifecycle. And it’s why we integrate the resulting data into a single, unified view of our performance as your cybersecurity partner.

How do we measure your experience?

Think of Secureworks data points within three basic categories:

  • Listening posts. One of the most important things we do is capture your feedback and sentiment in real time at every stage of the journey with us: when you click on a Secureworks software interface, when you exchange email with a Secureworks team member, when you visit the Secureworks booth at a tradeshow… Each of these experiential interactions are opportunities for us to exceed your expectations. Being structured in a such a fashion to listen at each touchpoint allows us to tweak the experience with great accuracy.
  • Engagement. In addition to asking you for feedback, we have data that provides us with implicit insight into your Secureworks experience. How quickly are you deploying against your license count? We sent you pertinent information, but you didn’t check it out – why? Are there solution features your team members aren’t using that we believe would be beneficial? By tracking this behavioral data, we can better understand your experience—and, when necessary, trigger appropriate actions for additional discovery and/or remediation.
  • Closed-loop discovery. For the listening posts we have in place today, when we get any signal indicating that you may have had a negative experience with us (e.g., perhaps you responded unfavorably in a survey), each and every customer gets a phone call from our Customer Experience team. And it’s at this point that we gather additional data relating to the problem, so we can get to its root cause and resolve it as soon as possible. We also code this data into hierarchical themes and integrate it with our listening-post and behavioral data. By analyzing this integrated data set, we can identify and prioritize issues that enable us to elevate the quality of the Secureworks customer experience for you and everyone else.

The bottom line is this: To enable you to do your best, Secureworks is committed to being responsive, available, and adaptable. We want you to get the most value from the solutions we offer, and the best way we know how is to deliver an exceptional experience in every technical and human interaction with us.

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